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About Jumbo Coturnix Quail Facts

What Makes Jumbo Coturnix Quail Special?

Facts about Jumbo Coturnix QuailSize and Physical Characteristics

As their name implies, jumbo coturnix quails are significantly bigger than average coturnix varieties, weighing between 300-400 grams compared to the typical 170-220 grams.

Comparison to Standard Coturnix Quail

Besides their larger frame, jumbos have retained the typical coturnix features – the mottled brown and white plumage, rounded body shape, and docile personality.

Brief History of Jumbo Coturnix Quail

Origins of Domesticated Quail

Historically, quail domestication traces back over 3,000 years around the Mediterranean region including Europe and North Africa.

Emergence of the Jumbo Variety

It’s over the past fifty years that poultry farmers have selectively bred the jumbo super-sized coturnix varieties from standard-sized coturnix stock.

Lifecycle and Maturation

Rapid Growth Rate

Coturnix quails grow rapidly, achieving adult size in just 6-8 weeks, much faster than chickens.

Enhanced Egg Production

Jumbos reach sexual maturity early and can start laying eggs efficiently within a year, with hens producing up to 300 eggs annually under proper conditions.

Dietary Needs of Jumbo Quail

Importance of Nutrition

A balanced, protein-rich diet is vital for the jumbo quail's enhanced size and egg production capabilities.

Benefits of Raising Jumbo Coturnix Quail

Sustainable Livestock

As sustainable livestock requiring less resources than chickens, jumbos serve as an eco-friendly source of meat and eggs.

Cold-hardy Egg Layers

Unlike chickens who stop laying in winter, coturnix quail breeds persist in egg production through cold months if lighting is provided.

Tips for Keeping Jumbo Coturnix Quail

Reduce Stress

Jumbos are easily stressed by loud noises, change, and predators, so calm settings and safe enclosures are essential.

Monitor Temperature

High temps can cause mortality fast – ideal temperature range is 60-80°F for these birds.

Unique Traits and Behaviors


Jumbos communicate with various cheeps, trills and crowing noises unlike standard-sized quail.

Social Bonds

Coturnix quails prefer clustering together while dust bathing and exhibit loyal pair bonds between mates.

Jumbo Coturnix Quail Facts Key

  • Weigh 300-400 grams (10-14 ounces), much larger than standard coturnix varieties
  • Retain typical coturnix features like plumage, body shape and personality
  • Selectively bred from standard coturnix quails over past 50 years
  • Mature rapidly in 6-8 weeks and start breeding before age 8 weeks
  • Hen can lay up to 300 eggs annually under right conditions
  • Require balanced diet high in protein for growth and egg production
  • Serve as sustainable livestock requiring fewer resources than chickens
  • Continue laying eggs consistently through winter months
  • Easily stressed by loud noises, change and predators
  • Prefer temperatures between 60-80°F – heat sensitive
  • Exhibit unique vocalizations and social bonding behaviors

Let me know in the comments if you have any other experiences or questions about these remarkable birds!


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